
etsymetal blog carnival

Originally uploaded by wildflowerdesigns
and yes, i am returning to the land of the living....

Tell us about other kinds of art and craft you do.
What other media do you work and play with?
*my mother and i both realized i did have some artistic potential when i played with clay. you can't really go wrong with pinch pots.
*i learned to crochet and knit and enjoy making super simple scarves and hats.
*i also dabble in watercolors.

How often do you get to create?
*unfortunately, i do not play with clay or watercolors as often as i should.
*i crochet and knit when i watch horror movies at night. the repetitiveness is very relaxing and i even get something accomplished.

Does it relate to or inspire your metalworking?
*colorways in yarn definitely inspire my enamel work.

check out everyone else's crafty endeavours here:
etsymetal blog


AdobeSol said...

Nice watercolor! Your metalwork is incredible.

stacey said...

thank you!!